What is XanuraHome?
XanuraHome X10 Pro now provides you with an additional range of improved home automation modules which are fully compatible with your all your existing Marmitek X10 equipment.
How is XanuraHome X10 Pro better than standard X10?
- Signal strength XanuraHome X10 Pro transmitters send a stronger signal which doubles the performance and range over other X10 transmitters.
- Signal reception The XanuraHome Pro X10 receivers are more sensitive than standard X10 receivers, meaning they will operate better in conditions where the x10 signal is weaker.
- Confidence of operation XanuraHome receivers have the ability to report back their status, so now you can be sure that the commands you send are being acted on.
- Sensitivity to noise XanuraHome Pro X10 modules are less sensitivity to 'noisy' power lines and will continue to work satisfactorily after standard X10 modules have stopped working.
If you want to know more about XanuraHome then have a look at the following brochure 'XanuraHome Automation System' Select a category: |