I was having problems with my X10 signal reaching all parts of my house. My house has been extended and therefore has two seperate socket circuits both connected through full ciruit breakers, pretty much isolating each ring main, which caused a lot of problems with X10 signals.
I bought the SVX10 and plugged it in to the opposite ring main to where my X10 interface was connected. After trying a few different sockets, I did manage to get X10 signals working in every part of my house without any problems. It`s dead easy to wire up, just put the SVX10 in a box (I used a socket back box with a blanking plate on top, then secured the cable using cable ties in to the back box. I also stuck the SVX10 down with double sided sticky pad to stop it moving around) connect live and neutral to the terminals and plug it in to a socket. I was going to wire it striaght in to my consumer panel but there wasnt really enough room to do this safely.
Hope this helps somebody.
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