The SAX35 is a potential free actuator/interface in a surface-mounted housing. The SAX35 can be used to switch appliances of other manufacturers on the basis of an input contact (max. 5A, 30 V a.c./d.c.). Examples include: a doorbell, electronic lock or heating systems (24 V a.c.). The SAX35 can be installed with the appliance to be connected. The SAX35 communicates with the rest of the system via the lighting circuit. Ideal in situations where there are no leads from the appliance to the meter cabinet.
- Two inputs and one output (potential free and galvanically separated)
- Sends ON/OFF commands (max. two addresses)
- Receives ON/OFF commands and switches the built-in relay contact (max. 5 A, 30 V)
- Can be incorporated in a group command
- Automatic status indication possible
- Status request possible