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2 Weeks Ago
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1
Opus Alternative

Hi there,

I'm currently researching the possibility of controlling multiple audio devices from some software I'm intending to write.

The basic premise is that the software will be able to select which room to send the audio to and then to pass the audio to opus to pass to the selected room.

Is this possible, and more over, is there a smaller alternative to opus - something requiring only audio and not video?
2 Weeks Ago
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 11

The basic Opus 300 system is purely an audio distribution system and can be expanded to distribute video by adding the VSU300 Video switching unit.

It is possible now to use a computer or music server to feed audio into the Opus system but as far as selecting rooms using external software I doubt that you could do that.
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