Doing Too Much, Much Too Soon

Vera Z-Wave Controller with Internet Access

Vera Z-Wave Controller with Internet Access

Smart home automation is what everyone with aspirations to improve their homes wants. However tempting it may be, the advice is to keep it simple and not get carried away with the plethora of gismos and gadgets available on the market today There is such a concept as over-automation so here are are few tips to keep your feet on the ground.

Managing a home’s electronic systems via a main control system or remote system is intended to make the home run smoothly. If it can save energy at the same time, then so much the better. However, the idea is to make home automation work around you, not the other way around.

User Interface

Z Wave Room Thermostat with LCD Display by Horstmann

Z Wave Room Thermostat with LCD Display by Horstmann

First of all, tailor your user interfaces in a way that is simple for you. On a touchscreen, don’t put controls that you use constantly next to controls you use infrequently. You don’t want to press the ‘open the garage door’ button by mistake when you really want the lights to come on at a certain time. Make it simple for you to use. Whether you choose handheld remote or wall-mounted keypad or a portable touchpanel make sure user interfaces are right for you.

Keep it Simple

If you have sensors, programme them sensibly. Don’t be tempted to programme sensors to come on every time a presence is detected, especially if for example, you have a nocturnal cat with insomnia. By the same token, bear in the mind the range and angle of sensors. For example, locating a sensor in the middle of the kitchen is not much good when you struggle back from work with a mountain of carrier bags and the afore-mentioned cat has decided to have a quick nap next to the kitchen door.
Consider how people move around and place sensors to ensure that a light comes on before the person has entered a space and not when they are already halfway across it.

Remote access is also important to get right. Make sure that anything that can be accessed remotely can be done easily via your laptop, smartphone or iPhone. And make sure you understand how to do it. Again, the scenario of the TV being on when you get home when really you wanted the roast in the oven cooked springs to mind.

Money Back

Z Wave Home Energy Meter one clamp by Aeon

Z Wave Home Energy Meter one clamp by Aeon

And finally, don’t forget that you are spending money on a decent home automation system so if you get some of that investment back, all the better. The majority of automation systems can help you save energy by turning off devices automatically so before you buy, check everything out to see how much money it can save you in the future. Energy saving devices are all the rage so check them out thoroughly.

UK-Automation can help you choose the best system and also advise on best practice for installation and operation. From CCTv, lighting, heating, energy devices, security, audio-visual and all sorts of useful accessories, the company is dedicated to the home automation market.

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